Friday, November 27, 2020

Use and importance of time. An Inspirational Story.

Time is priceless. Most people in the world do not know its value for a lifetime, and spend the whole life simply wandering here and there.

Time is something that never stops for anyone, it just goes on. Those who use it properly, they do something in life and others only have to repent.

For an example, think if you have an account with a bank and someone deposits Rs 86,400 in it every morning. You are free to use those rupees, but the condition is that your remaining balance will not be available the next day, if you do not use the entire money, then they will be withdrawn from your account by evening.

what will you do? It is a simple matter that everyone will withdraw money from the bank.

There is one such bank in our real life, its name is "Time"

Every morning, 86,400 seconds go to our account in added, and every evening, we take back the time we have left, which we have not used for any good work. And the next morning the same process goes on again. Our time that we could not use properly is taken away.

So friends, the decision is now in your hands how do you use your 86,400 seconds or want to lose them. A person realizes the value of time when he has passed. This time is the moment in your life that will never come back…

We have written this article especially for the youth because the young people of today do not understand the importance of time and waste their time in futile pursuits and when the time is out, the eyes of the people are opened.

I sincerely hope that through this story a positive message will reach our youth and they will understand the value of their time.
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About NP Creation

I have shared, Love Story, A Few Words, Motivational Story, Health Tips, Information, Love Letters, Poems, Videos, Articles, Motivational Words etc.

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