Wednesday, December 2, 2020

How life changes with virtue. A Motivational Story.


Virtue is made up of two words - Sad + Ethics = Good behavior and thought. Virtue is very important for a good life. Looking at today's environment, it seems that the spirit of virtue is disappearing among the people. Virtue can change your life. Today on Hindi thought we are going to tell you a story from which you will know about the importance of virtue -

It is a very old time, there used to be dense trees in the forest. There was a small hut under that tree. In that hut there used to be a monk Mahatma. He used to give sermons every evening during the evening and used to tell people about virtue.

Everyday hundreds of people used to come to hear his satsang and thoughts. One day Mahatma ji was telling people about virtue. At the end of satsang, Mahatma ji was going to rest in his hut when a person came to him. That person looked very upset.

The man said - Mahatma ji, I have been listening to your sermons for a long time, every day you tell very inspiring and virtuous things, but they do not have any effect on life. I have been listening to you for a long time, but there is no change in me, then what is the use of these moral things?

Mahatma ji gave a wooden basket to that person and said that tomorrow morning bring water in this basket, then I will answer your questions.

That person was surprised that how water will fill in this wooden basket because there are many holes in it. The person got up in the morning and went to the river and tried to fill the basket with water.

As soon as he tries to fill the water in the basket, all the water drains out. He tried again, the water ran out again. That person kept trying for hours but every time the water came out from the bottom. It was evening while trying, that person was very worried that what answer will be given to Mahatma ji.

The next day when he reached Mahatma ji, he told them all that he made a lot of effort to fill the water in the basket but every time the water came out of the holes.

Mahatma Ji said - Okay tell me that you saw some difference in this basket compared to before.

The person said - Yes, this basket was dirty before, but there was a lot of dust on it, but now it seems very clear. Its holes were also very big earlier, but due to being in the water throughout the day, the wood of the basket has swelled and the holes have also become smaller.

Mahatma ji said with a smile - son, this basket is like your life and water is like virtue. Earlier the basket was dirty but due to being in the water for the whole day, it is clearly visible, just like listening and adopting the things of virtue constantly, the dirt of your mind gets washed away You will not realize it immediately, this sense of virtue gradually cleanses your mind and mind.

Just as the wood of this basket swells due to being in the water and after some time these wood will swell so much that the holes will be closed completely and it can be easily filled with water, in the same way with good behavior and good behavior in your mind and heart. Will be able to fill good things easily.

Then you will feel the glory of virtue. Do good deeds, let it pass for a while, then you will feel the change in yourself. Water-like knowledge will fill in you.

Hearing this, that person fell at the feet of Mahatma.

Friends!! This is the importance of virtue, your effort today lays the foundation for your tomorrow's success. Learn the things of virtue, teach people younger or older than you ... Then one day you too will definitely feel the change in your life.

Friends!! We know you will enjoy listening to the stories, but do you try to take the education of these stories into your life? Comment us and tell us your answer…

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I have shared, Love Story, A Few Words, Motivational Story, Health Tips, Information, Love Letters, Poems, Videos, Articles, Motivational Words etc.

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