Thursday, November 26, 2020

Do you get more sleep during winter?


People usually become more lazy in winter. Most of the time people have trouble getting up in the morning. While the winter days are short and the nights are big, still people do not get enough sleep. While our deteriorating lifestyle is behind this laziness and sleep, there are some science and biological regions as well. Yes, a big reason for getting more sleep in winter is the natural state of day and light as well. Our mental and physical activities are also associated with this natural setup, due to which we sleep more than the rest of the season in spite of not wanting.

Cause of excessive sleep in winter

1. Wrong Lifestyle

Most people avoid doing physical activities in winter. The more the winter grows, the more the body becomes stable. Due to this there is accumulation of more fat and carbs in people, which work to increase sleep. Also, waking up late in the morning and waking up late at night worsen the balance of sleep, which makes us feel lazy all day long.

2. Melatonin levels rise in winter

Light and darkness also have an important role in controlling sleep. The area of ​​the brain is stimulated by exposure to light, which controls melatonin body temperature and hormones. All three affect sleep activity in the body. Talking about melatonin, it increases sleep and its level goes up as the sun sets. In this way, when the sun is short in winter and its light is not too strong, then melatonin increases and keeps sleeping.

3. Winter Food

Our winters are warmer and more energy filled than in summer. Then when we need more heat to keep the body warm with decreasing temperature, we eat more food than summer. As soon as these things balance the temperature in the body, the body comes to rest and the person starts sleeping.

4. fall in temperature

Our body really needs to cool down to sleep. When the temperature rises in summer, people do not sleep properly. During this time, people are struggling with suffocation and heat. This reversed cold environment enhances sleep and helps in sleeping. So that's why when we get cold, we get better sleep.

5. Due to hormonal imbalance

In winter, the surrounding dim light environment affects the hormonal balance. Also, people keep their homes closed and use artificial electronic lights, which disrupt natural hormonal balance and trigger sleep-enhancing hormones. Also our eyes get tired due to blue light but sleep cannot come properly. All this does not allow us to sleep properly and we feel lazy all the time.

Way to get up early in the morning

According to the National Sleep Foundation, doing at least 10 minutes of aerobic exercise such as walking and cycling can help keep you active. Apart from this, you can take help of many more things to get up early in the winter morning.

Drink water before going to bed at night and as soon as you wake up in the morning, so that it is easier to wake up the body.

- Exercise to keep yourself active, which will help set the body clock.

Take a shower shortly after getting out of bed. This is because water will change the body temperature and make you feel active.

Try to eat healthy and light food that does not cause laziness.

- Try setting the body clock instead of the wake by setting the alarm. For this, sleep and wake up at the same time for 10 days continuously, it will set your body clock.

So, if you feel very sleepy in winter, don't worry that you have got any disease or you have any problem, just understand its science. Then to get up in the morning, take help of these tips and stay healthy and enjoy winter.

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